Songs of Pleasure and Pain


Songs of Pleasure and Pain is from my collection of spiritual poetry "Songs of a Mystic" these are Poems of Awakening and are a collection of 28 spiritual poems, which are an expansion of my thoughts, emotions, and observations, an intermingling of spirit and humanity.

Maybe my poems will support you to better understand your own spiritual journey and inspire you through your personal growth and transformation. You are welcome to share and repost hope my poetry supports your journey.

Stop. Listen. Who do you hear whom do you feel.

Is there something calling to you can you not hear its song: but no this cannot be for how can a tree, a rock, or the coldness of the air sing a song to you.

When you are struck down by a disease, is that not your soul singing to you, when you bite into a juicy red apple does not that apple sing to your body.

All things sing songs of joy and sorrow the songs of joy bring happiness and pleasure and the songs of sorrow bring wisdom and learning, so stop and listen, do not resist, do not run away.

Listen to the mosquito buzzing in your ear, the tree swaying gently in the breeze and the songs of hot and cold.

As a tear drips from your eye it sings its song of sorrow, as a smile comes to your lips it sings its song of joy, as the wind blows through your hair it sings its song of freedom.

As the bee thrusts its sting deep into your flesh it sings its song of death, and as the newborn opens its eyes it sings its song of life.

These are the songs of joy and sorrow wisdom and learning all will strike you deep within, all will strike you deep

within, all will help you learn, if you will but stop and listen to the song within.

Letter of Support

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👍 share and Stay safe.

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// IMAGE S O U R C E: kat-j-NPmR0RblyhQ-unsplash, License to use Creative Commons Zero - CC0 © Artist Kat J |, Image title: Tears for the loss of a beloved family member

// IMAGE S O U R C E: kyle-peyton-C0H05P-t3g4-unsplash, License to use Creative Commons Zero - CC0 © Artist kyle-peyton |, Image title: untitled image

// IMAGE S O U R C E: ryoji-iwata-7D4KybyRgyk-unsplash, License to use Creative Commons Zero - CC0 © Artist Ryoji Iwata |, Image title: tear drops

Jason Cain

Jason Cain is an author, philosopher, and spiritual researcher specializing in the art of sorcery, mysticism, and evolutionary behaviorism, metaphysics, and ancient cultures. He is the author of "Autobiography of a Sorcerer", "Creating a Meditation Habit That Sticks", "How to Meditate Made Easy", "Mystical Paths of Yoga", "Songs of a Mystic", "Zazen Compilation (Complete Zen Collection)" and "Releasing Negative Thoughts through Meditation".

For many years he has lived the life of an Ascetic Hermit while studying the spiritual traditions and meditative practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen and the works of modern sorcerers like Castaneda.

His focus is a mixture of eastern spirituality and modern sorcery and for over five decades he has been studying the philosophy of the East and their meditative practices, while expounding the benefits of the true self-realized nature that can be achieved when we free the self from the ego (self-importance).

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