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The New Religion of Emotionalism | Redemption vs Salvation
What is it that drives you? What are you seeking, and hoping to find? Redemption or Salvation? and the Cyclic Rise of Emotionalism and how the spiritual movement attracts these two basic types of seekers.
Where Do Our Thoughts Come From | What Are Thoughts
A thought is a representation of something. A representation is a likeness a thing that depicts another thing by having characteristics that correspond to that other thing. For example, a picture, image, imprint, or mold of an object is a representation of that object. Thought is an idea or opinion produced by thinking, or occurring suddenly in the mind.
What Is Ego and Understanding the Over-Evolved Ego
There is a lot of attention paid to the ego in modern society and while we are often told that having an ego will advance our place in the world, very few talk about the humbleness of being ‘ego-less’ and of the many great people, who every day without recognition or respect, silently bring greatness into our ego focused world.