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Red pill and Religion | Spiritual Enlightenment
Have you heard the term Red Pill or Blue Pill? This term came from the Matrix movie where Neo (The hero) was given a choice, take the Red Pill and escape the Matrix or take the Blue pill and forget that there is a world outside the matrix, but how does this concept relate to religion and religious practice?
Learn How To Practice Mindfulness Everyday | 9 Easy Ways to Be Mindful
Mindfulness has become so popular now days because of all the stress and neuroses that we are forced to deal with in our social, work and family environment and this is compounded with the high speed tempo of the information age, so it has become almost commonplace to take the time and chill out, relax or fill the day with mindfulness activates.
What is the Hara | How Does Hara Connects to Other Spiritual Ideas
Hara character is common to Chinese and Japanese. Abdomen should not be translated as "stomach" to avoid confusing it with the organ. In the Japanese medical tradition and in Japanese martial arts traditions, the word Hara is used as a technical term for a specific area or energy field of the body. An alternative Japanese reading of the character is Hufu, the Chinese reading is Fu.