What Is Ego and Understanding the Over-Evolved Ego: Podcast


What exactly is an ego? How do you separate yourself from an ego?

Hello and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind download page and today I would like to share with you my understanding on the nature of ego from a more straightforward perspective.

There is a lot of attention paid to the ego in modern society and while we are often told that having an ego will advance our place in the world, very few talk about the humbleness of being ‘ego-less’ and of the many great people, who every day without recognition or respect, silently bring greatness into our ego focused world.

So How Loud is Your Ego?

Have you asked yourself, why is it so difficult to hear the encouraging prompts from that small voice’ that humbly offers positive and constructive solutions, and why instead we only seem to hear the blaring insults from our ego?

Would life really be blissful if we didn’t have the ego constantly shouting out thoughts that are full of gloomy overtones?

But what we don’t realize is that the ego is your conscious mind, the part of your identity that you consider your "self." If you say someone has "a big ego," then you are saying that they are too full of themselves. The ego often indulges in our most basic impulses, but it also works to achieve a balance with our cultural and idealistic standards. And while the ego from our personal perspective operates at the conscious level, it also has strong ties to the subconscious and even the unconscious levels of mind.

It is true that Ego or self-is important for social interactions, as It gives us our ideas about ourselves and our social strengths and weaknesses, and it also helps to define our role and position in the society. But as the ego develops the desire to place a special emphasis on the individual self also grows, and this gives rise to what we call the egocentric person.

You could say that the ego in the beginning was our protective shell, and this protective shell works like armor to protect us from social attacks. And that the sense of separation or individually is an intrinsically important aspect of the ego, and we instinctively strengthen this aspect of the ego in our thoughts and words, or what we call internal self-talk. But simultaneously this self-talk can also dominate and take over, making the ego both weak and feeble or a terrible monster.

So, In order to keep the ego in perspective we need to bear in mind that self or ego is only a tool we use for protection in a world full of other false selves, a world filled to the brims with imagined selves, each competing for its own imagined status.

Religions often say that letting go of the ego will bring you closer to God, but one should be careful when listening to religions, governments or even your partner when they talk about your ego, as the motive is also often another ego, which may be acting from a predatory need to dominate.

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What exactly is an ego? How do you separate yourself from an ego?

Hello and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind download page and today I would like to share with you my understanding on the nature of ego from a more straightforward perspective.

There is a lot of attention paid to the ego in modern society and while we are often told that having an ego will advance our place in the world, very few talk about the humbleness of being ‘ego-less’ and of the many great people, who every day without recognition or respect, silently bring greatness into our ego focused world.

So How Loud is Your Ego?

Have you asked yourself, why is it so difficult to hear the encouraging prompts from that small voice’ that humbly offers positive and constructive solutions, and why instead we only seem to hear the blaring insults from our ego?

Would life really be blissful if we didn’t have the ego constantly shouting out thoughts that are full of gloomy overtones?

But what we don’t realize is that the ego is your conscious mind, the part of your identity that you consider your "self." If you say someone has "a big ego," then you are saying that they are too full of themselves. The ego often indulges in our most basic impulses, but it also works to achieve a balance with our cultural and idealistic standards. And while the ego from our personal perspective operates at the conscious level, it also has strong ties to the subconscious and even the unconscious levels of mind.

It is true that Ego or self-is important for social interactions, as It gives us our ideas about ourselves and our social strengths and weaknesses, and it also helps to define our role and position in the society. But as the ego develops the desire to place a special emphasis on the individual self also grows, and this gives rise to what we call the egocentric person.

You could say that the ego in the beginning was our protective shell, and this protective shell works like armor to protect us from social attacks. And that the sense of separation or individually is an intrinsically important aspect of the ego, and we instinctively strengthen this aspect of the ego in our thoughts and words, or what we call internal self-talk. But simultaneously this self-talk can also dominate and take over, making the ego both weak and feeble or a terrible monster.

So, In order to keep the ego in perspective we need to bear in mind that self or ego is only a tool we use for protection in a world full of other false selves, a world filled to the brims with imagined selves, each competing for its own imagined status.

Religions often say that letting go of the ego will bring you closer to God, but one should be careful when listening to religions, governments or even your partner when they talk about your ego, as the motive is also often another ego, which may be acting from a predatory need to dominate.

Thank you for not passing up the opportunity to support my work financially in a big way. Your support is very much appreciated.

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What exactly is an ego? How do you separate yourself from an ego?

Hello and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind download page and today I would like to share with you my understanding on the nature of ego from a more straightforward perspective.

There is a lot of attention paid to the ego in modern society and while we are often told that having an ego will advance our place in the world, very few talk about the humbleness of being ‘ego-less’ and of the many great people, who every day without recognition or respect, silently bring greatness into our ego focused world.

So How Loud is Your Ego?

Have you asked yourself, why is it so difficult to hear the encouraging prompts from that small voice’ that humbly offers positive and constructive solutions, and why instead we only seem to hear the blaring insults from our ego?

Would life really be blissful if we didn’t have the ego constantly shouting out thoughts that are full of gloomy overtones?

But what we don’t realize is that the ego is your conscious mind, the part of your identity that you consider your "self." If you say someone has "a big ego," then you are saying that they are too full of themselves. The ego often indulges in our most basic impulses, but it also works to achieve a balance with our cultural and idealistic standards. And while the ego from our personal perspective operates at the conscious level, it also has strong ties to the subconscious and even the unconscious levels of mind.

It is true that Ego or self-is important for social interactions, as It gives us our ideas about ourselves and our social strengths and weaknesses, and it also helps to define our role and position in the society. But as the ego develops the desire to place a special emphasis on the individual self also grows, and this gives rise to what we call the egocentric person.

You could say that the ego in the beginning was our protective shell, and this protective shell works like armor to protect us from social attacks. And that the sense of separation or individually is an intrinsically important aspect of the ego, and we instinctively strengthen this aspect of the ego in our thoughts and words, or what we call internal self-talk. But simultaneously this self-talk can also dominate and take over, making the ego both weak and feeble or a terrible monster.

So, In order to keep the ego in perspective we need to bear in mind that self or ego is only a tool we use for protection in a world full of other false selves, a world filled to the brims with imagined selves, each competing for its own imagined status.

Religions often say that letting go of the ego will bring you closer to God, but one should be careful when listening to religions, governments or even your partner when they talk about your ego, as the motive is also often another ego, which may be acting from a predatory need to dominate.

Thank you for not passing up the opportunity to support my work financially in a big way. Your support is very much appreciated.

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