Red Pill and Religion | Spiritual Enlightenment


Hello and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind podcast and today I would like to offer my perspective on the Red Pill and Blue Pill.

Have you heard the term Red Pill or Blue Pill? This term came from the Matrix movie where Neo (The hero) was given a choice, take the Red Pill and escape the Matrix or take the Blue pill and forget that there is a world outside the matrix, but how does this concept relate to religion and religious practice?

So to start this expresses two types of perceptions or pills:

  • Blue Pill

  • Red Pill

Blue Pill could be called a religious mind set, the Blue Pill will provide you with comfort and security and stability but comes with a price to those that choose this approach. A society dominated by this type of uncritical thinking creates a society where people hold stereotypical and prejudicial notions of other peoples and could be called a conformist idea of reality. The Blue Pill path is attractive to those that choose a life of servitude to the matrix and in this case society.

The Blue Pill mindset lives and dies like millions of human before, they are unimpressive and serve only the feed the tyranny of slavery.

Where AS The Red Pill comes into prominence as a way to break free of society’s mental slavery. It is the state where one is freed from the matrix of religious and cultural idealism. You could even say that it is the path of the saints and mystics, the wild monks or yogis that have rejected social conformity and instead seek to enlighten the mind beyond the dualistic limitations of the Matrix and achieve their goals of spiritual release, to become the One.

To learn more which pill is best watch the video till the end. If you have any questions please let me know at comment section.

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Jason Cain

Jason Cain is an author, philosopher, and spiritual researcher specializing in the art of sorcery, mysticism, and evolutionary behaviorism, metaphysics, and ancient cultures. He is the author of "Autobiography of a Sorcerer", "Creating a Meditation Habit That Sticks", "How to Meditate Made Easy", "Mystical Paths of Yoga", "Songs of a Mystic", "Zazen Compilation (Complete Zen Collection)" and "Releasing Negative Thoughts through Meditation".

For many years he has lived the life of an Ascetic Hermit while studying the spiritual traditions and meditative practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen and the works of modern sorcerers like Castaneda.

His focus is a mixture of eastern spirituality and modern sorcery and for over five decades he has been studying the philosophy of the East and their meditative practices, while expounding the benefits of the true self-realized nature that can be achieved when we free the self from the ego (self-importance).

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