What is the Observer Effect And its Effect in Mindfulness!


What is the observer effect? How do you explain the observer effect? What is observer effect in psychology?

Hello, and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind podcast and today I would like to share with you the theory of the observer effect and its effect in relation to mindfulness and physics.

The theory states that the mere observation of a phenomenon inevitably changes that phenomenon. For example trying to observe an electron will change the path of the electron.

A more mundane observer effect can be the result of instruments that by necessity alter the state of what they measure. In some manner for instance in electronics ammeters and voltmeter, usually need to be connected to the circuit and so by their very presence affect the current or the voltage they are measuring.

Likewise a standard mercury in glass thermometer must absorb some thermal energy to record a temperature and therefore changes the temperature of the body which it is measuring in quantum mechanics.

If the outcome of an event has not been observed, it exists in a state of superposition which is being in all possible states at once.

Mindfulness transforms how we relate to events and experiences, one could say that it creates a more spacious way of being in the world that is less reactive.

For some people, mindfulness is primarily a way to enhance health or performance. For others, mindfulness is a tool for self-exploration.  And for yet others, mindfulness is part of a spiritual path, a way to develop insight into the human condition and freedom from suffering.

Regardless of the motivation, the observer effect changes the structure and function of the self as well as changing psychological responses in our character, which suggests that the practice of self-observation has an impact on our mental and emotional personality. Which in turn slowly leads us towards a non-judgmental and non-reactive acceptance of experience.

To learn more please watch the video till end. And if you have any question let me know at comment section.

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// IMAGE S O U R C E:  Creator: Ryan Stefan, | Web link: https://unsplash.com/photos/5K98ScREEUY

Jason Cain

Jason Cain is an author, philosopher, and spiritual researcher specializing in the art of sorcery, mysticism, and evolutionary behaviorism, metaphysics, and ancient cultures. He is the author of "Autobiography of a Sorcerer", "Creating a Meditation Habit That Sticks", "How to Meditate Made Easy", "Mystical Paths of Yoga", "Songs of a Mystic", "Zazen Compilation (Complete Zen Collection)" and "Releasing Negative Thoughts through Meditation".

For many years he has lived the life of an Ascetic Hermit while studying the spiritual traditions and meditative practices of Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Zen and the works of modern sorcerers like Castaneda.

His focus is a mixture of eastern spirituality and modern sorcery and for over five decades he has been studying the philosophy of the East and their meditative practices, while expounding the benefits of the true self-realized nature that can be achieved when we free the self from the ego (self-importance).


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