What happens during samadhi? What are the three types of samadhi?

These 3 steps will lead you towards the state of Samadhi, and Samadhi really depends on how often you apply yourself to the process. In the beginning Samadhi will come in flashes of realization, which will begin to become long states of heightened perception. Until finally you will simply realize yourself. This is self-realization and is a gate way state that steps into Samadhi.

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3 Simple Steps to Supreme Bliss | Podcast

Achieving Bliss which is the first of the enlightenment stages is easily achieved if you follow this simple process and your success will only depend on how often you apply yourself to the process. In the beginning Bliss will come in flashes of realization, which will slowly transition into longer states of heightened perception, until finally you will realize your bliss.

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Time Perception and the 9th Dimension | What is Time?

Humans have a love/hate relationship with the clock, if modern idioms are any indication. Time flies when we’re having fun. It drags when we’re bored. Sometimes it’s on our side; other times it’s racing against us. The perception of time is fundamental to our experience and central to virtually all of our activities.

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What is the Hara | How Does Hara Connects to Other Spiritual Ideas

Hara character is common to Chinese and Japanese. Abdomen should not be translated as "stomach" to avoid confusing it with the organ. In the Japanese medical tradition and in Japanese martial arts traditions, the word Hara is used as a technical term for a specific area or energy field of the body.

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