Jason Cain Jason Cain

The Dreaming Body is Not a Ghost | Carlos Castaneda

Most of the time when we’re dreaming, we’re not aware of it and just take what’s before us in the dream as real. But the Not-doing of dreaming is when you are aware that you’re dreaming and can take steps to control the dream.

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Zen Walking Meditation (Kinhin) | Introduction to Kinhin Meditation

Walking meditation is something you can do indoors or outdoors, you can even practice Kinhin during your next nature hike for a big serenity boost, as it will enhance your entire experience as you hike. Zen walking meditation begins with the mudra or hand posture. There is more than one hand posture that is traditionally used, and we're going to start with the mudra that seems most popular.

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Zen | Podcast, Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain Zen | Podcast, Meditation | Podcast Jason Cain

Guided Zen Meditation | Zazen Meditation

Zazen meditation can be used at any time when you feel the need to 'unplug' yourself from the world and focus on self-care and inner harmony, taking you to a place of pure relaxation and tranquility and allowing you to experience a time of absolute calm and peace. It is also extremely beneficial to overall mental health, and can be used to completely relax your mind before you sleep.

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Zen | Podcast Jason Cain Zen | Podcast Jason Cain

How To Do Zen (Zazen) Meditation!

Zazen is considered the heart of Japanese Zen Buddhist practice. The aim of zazen is just sitting, that is, suspending all judgmental thinking and letting words, ideas, images and thoughts pass by without getting involved in them. This Zen technique is a mindfulness meditation that emphasizes the harmonization of the mind, body and breath.

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