How To Do Zen (Zazen) Meditation!
What is Zen meditation called? How to do zazen meditation?
Hello, and welcome to the Ancient wisdom modern mind podcast and today I will show you how to do Zen meditation called zazen
Zazen is considered the heart of Japanese Sōtō Zen Buddhist practice. The aim of zazen is just sitting, that is, suspending all judgmental thinking and letting words, ideas, images and thoughts pass by without getting involved in them.
Zazen is the main meditation technique practiced in Zen Buddhism. It's a mindfulness meditation with a special emphasis on harmonizing the body, mind and breath. This Zen technique is a mindfulness meditation that emphasizes the harmonization of the mind, body and breath.
The essential aspects of zazen are fairly easy to communicate and are important for both beginning and mature practitioners. At the same time, a person’s experience of meditation can change profoundly if they practice consistently. With consistent practice, zazen transforms our mind, heart and life.
This is not a guided meditation, the aim of this recording is to acquaint you with the process of zazen meditation, and to help you to stay focused in the early stages of your practice, but is not designed to act as a meditation in and of itself.
In this audio I will go through all the instructions step by step. Once you learn how to practice Zazen meditation, you can do it on your own. So also consider downloading the full guided meditation audio so you don’t miss any steps.
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