Everything you need to know about spirituality, mysticism, and sorcery. Plus what no one will tell you, but what you need to hear.
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Overcoming Sadness
My Heart Is Not My Soul, My Feelings Are Not My Being. By Dwelling I Am Led Astray.
Awareness Gathers
Awareness gathers the power of the divine and through impeccable devotion is engulfed by eternity | Jason Cain
Thoughts on the Nature of Death
Since ego/self is not real and you are only an ego based delusion that thinks it is self-awareness, and since ego does not survive death. You will die without any chance of rebirth or an afterlife. Let that sink in.
Sheep Are Ignorant
The Sheep is ignorant for only animals can know of greed beyond excess and not see the futility of their indulgences, never knowing that their nature is the innate programming of their birth.
Atheism VS Religion
Atheism is the same mindset as Religion, their ideas are locked into an ideal which they feel they need to prove regardless of evidence. In a way they are both extreme egotist. ..
Songs of Pleasure and Pain
Stop. Listen. Who do you hear whom do you feel. Is there something calling to you can you not hear its song.....
Sermon of the Divine
Those from whom I have turned away my gaze, your souls will swim in the noise of perpetual damnation, distracted from its silent providence and cursed to be without Fidelity. Such souls wander the earth seeking for a forgiveness that only oblivion can bestow.
Peace In Trade
I saw a picture of peace, in a simple kitchen scene, hair in dark ringlets a face of middle age, and eyes as deep as wells.
Joy of Sentiment
Beloved, if everything is imagined then our consciousness when gathered completely takes flight and this world is the dream, passing as a gentle breeze. Therefore never will there be separation in our spirit.
In The Streaming Webs Of Time
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Infinite Concepts
Divinity is an infinite concept- never ending and never beginning. Before creation there was the Divine and after attainment there is the Divine. To move within the Divine Way is to move within eternity. Within the eternally passionate and spontaneous movement of Divinity is the fullness of omnipotence.
Darkness is Spirit’s Arrow of Clarity
In sleep humanity fades and one may touch a dark and ancient world. Trees, wind, and rain whisper to the soul, exotic terrors of the dark....
A Mystic Has No Home
A dead leaf has no form, detached from its tree where can it belong? To the tree, it is a discarded form and to the ground, a dead leaf. ..
Spiritual Growth Through Suffering | Common Misconceptions
In the article I’m going to confront the common misconception that suffering will lead to spiritual growth, and I think this idea has taken root because of the idea that suffering builds character. And although a little hardship really does strengthen our character and can even motivate us to try harder, but suffering in itself does not lead to spiritual growth and enlightenment.
How to do Moon Gazing Meditation (Trataka) | Best Meditation Techniques
Moon meditation or Trataka, also known as Tratak (pr. trah’-tahk), Trataka means fixed gazing. The object you gaze upon can be just about anything, and Trataka played a major role in Yoga before postures and breathing exercises began to dominate the system in the early 1800’s.
Guided Grounding Meditation | How to Ground and Center Yourself
Grounding is a very helpful quality to incorporate into a formal meditation routine. If you feel that you are especially spacey during meditation or that your internal dialogue is overwhelming while doing a mindfulness meditation for instance, try this first as a warm up, and if you want to you can also treat it as a meditation technique in itself.
Primordial Sound Meditation | Ah Mantra Meditation
Sound has an ancient kinship with meditation and healing. Sound healing has ancient roots in cultures all over the world, From the Australian aboriginal tribes who used the didgeridoo to the Tibetan or Himalayan singing bowl. In this mediation I use the AH Mantra that both has a Neuro-Linguistic, Psycho-Linguistic Effect. These two effects release hormones that have a healing, feel-good effect.
8 Tips For Staying Awake while Meditating | Mindfulness Meditation Technique
Falling asleep during meditation is very common and if it happens to you once a while you don't need to be too concerned. When we are learning to meditate, we are looking for a balance between focus and relaxation and in the process it is inevitable that from time to time we’ll drift a little too far in either direction. So if staying awakes is a problem here as some 8 that may help.