Everything you need to know about spirituality, mysticism, and sorcery. Plus what no one will tell you, but what you need to hear.
Meditation | Mindfulness | Higher Awareness | Poetry | Quotes | Understanding Mind | Zen | Audiobooks and Lectures | Sorcery & Carlos Castaneda | #Shorts
Learn How To Practice Mindfulness Meditation And The Different Approaches
How to do mindfulness meditation? What are mindfulness meditation techniques? And today we’re going to learn how to practice mindfulness and mindfulness meditation using a couple of different approaches. Plus you will also learn what mindfulness is or at last have a new perspective on mindfulness if you are already familiar with it.
How to Become Enlightened and the Human Agreement
When you are born you become a member of a collective agreement we call humanity, this is a collective agreement between billions of smaller individuals. Personal egos which come together to create a family, a community, a society, a nation, and finally an agreement called humanity.
Rational Thinking and how it consumes Awareness | The Subjective Nature of Reality
Rationality is the quality or state of being rational, a state based on our agreeability to reason. Rationality implies the conformity of one's beliefs with one's reasons to believe, but really what we called rationality is our ability to recognition patterns, an unconscious state where the brain identifies patterns that it can use to predict and expect what is coming.
What Is Ego and Understanding the Over-Evolved Ego
There is a lot of attention paid to the ego in modern society and while we are often told that having an ego will advance our place in the world, very few talk about the humbleness of being ‘ego-less’ and of the many great people, who every day without recognition or respect, silently bring greatness into our ego focused world.
Four Noble Truths of Buddha | Misunderstanding of Second Noble Truth
Although the term Four Noble Truths is well known in English, it is a misleading translation of the Pali term Chattari-ariya-saccani (Sanskrit: Chatvari-arya-satyani), because noble refers not to the truths themselves but to those who understand them. A more accurate rendering, therefore, might be “four truths for the noble”
How To Deal With Negative People | Speak Up For Yourself
Most of us have one, so called friend or family member. Who is negative and self-absorbed, a so called friend who comes around and literally throws their trash all over you. And we learn early in the relationship that the only way to be safe from their anger is by listening to their complaints
Zen Walking Meditation (Kinhin) | Introduction to Kinhin Meditation
Walking meditation is something you can do indoors or outdoors, you can even practice Kinhin during your next nature hike for a big serenity boost, as it will enhance your entire experience as you hike. Zen walking meditation begins with the mudra or hand posture. There is more than one hand posture that is traditionally used, and we're going to start with the mudra that seems most popular.
How To Do Zen (Zazen) Meditation!
Zazen is considered the heart of Japanese Zen Buddhist practice. The aim of zazen is just sitting, that is, suspending all judgmental thinking and letting words, ideas, images and thoughts pass by without getting involved in them. This Zen technique is a mindfulness meditation that emphasizes the harmonization of the mind, body and breath.
What Is the Sound of One Hand Clapping | Zen Koan
The minute we try to understand the idea of the “sound of one hand clapping” we limit our thinking, box ourselves in and miss the entire objective of this teaching experience.
Understanding Zen Meditation through the Tale of The Samurai and The Tea Master
Zen means doing anything in perfect harmony, even making perfect mistakes, being defeated perfectly and succeeding perfectly. It means that one is mindful of their full action, you detach from the emotion of the moment and become aware or mindful of your actions. Zen is also about letting go, but letting go in perfection, if you know you are going to fail then fail perfectly.
Zhuangzi Butterfly Dream is a Red Pill Metaphor
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly. What fun he had, doing as he pleased! He did not know he was Zhou. Suddenly he woke up and found himself to be Zhou. He did not know whether Zhou had dreamed he was a butterfly or a butterfly had dreamed he was Zhou. Between Zhou and the butterfly there must be some distinction.
Different Types of Meditation Techniques and How to Choose One
First of all let me tell you something, meditation in its basic bare bones form is composed of only two parts, “mindfulness” and or “concentration”.
Impeccability of Stalking Awareness
At its core the concept of impeccability has as its guiding principle the idea of non-attachment, but this is not the traditional idea of detaching or unattaching from objects or material things. Impeccability is referring to the non-attachment of self from self’s human agreement.
Increasing Awareness | Overlooked Reason the Hermit becomes Enlightened
The practice of meditation is widely used for spiritual and religious purposes. But over the years, other uses for meditation, like relaxation and stress management, have emerged.
Time Perception and the 9th Dimension | What is Time?
Humans have a love/hate relationship with the clock, if modern idioms are any indication. Time flies when we’re having fun. It drags when we’re bored. Sometimes it’s on our side; other times it’s racing against us. The perception of time is fundamental to our experience and central to virtually all of our activities.
How to Meditate Properly | Why it doesn't work for me?
First you need to understand that it’s not you, this is a normal difficulty often experienced when we first begin meditation, and it relates to our assumptions about the nature of mind.
Zen Koan Explained | No Attachment to Dust
Dust hides that which once was new and shiny, and gives us the illusion we need something new, because we so often choose to replace something based on what we see or want, instead of what we truly need. “No Attachment to Dust” shows the notice the value of letting go of wants and needs, and need to detachments from things, and in the letting go of things you also release the disappointment of attachment.
Dhyana Yoga | The Seventh Path of Yogic Meditation
Dhyana is normally translated as meaning meditation, but there are many forms of meditation and to simply call dhyana meditation is an over simplification of dhyana’s true implication.
Controlling your Thoughts during Meditation
My Thoughts Are Not My Own, By Intellect Alone I Fail. created by Jason Cain
Overcoming Negativity
Before me is my path, I can choose whether to walk in the light or the darkness. | Jason Cain